Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Derailed Skateboard

I normally don't like to post twice in one day, but sometimes I'm reminded of a story that's really freaking funny (to me, anyway) and I know if I don't post it now, I'll forget about it and it'll never end up on here.

So now that I've felt I need to explain myself, here we go:

I lived in San Antonio for a year, going to the University of Texas branch there. Loved the school, loved the classes...if I hadn't been battling severe depression at the time, I might still be there. However, had I not come home, I wouldn't have met my boyfriend, all that sappy shhhhow of emotion.I've gone off on a tangent again.

 These people aren't kidding when they say it weighs you down

While I was at UTSA, I remember walking to my Biology class one day, not really paying much attention to where I was going...or really much of anything. Remember, when you're depressed, you don't notice anything else exists. You're totally alone in the world. Anyway, I was walking along, staring at my shoes, and the next thing I know, something slams into me like a freight train, slamming me off to the side and almost knocking me on my ass. I looked up to see some dude about 5'10 on a skateboard looking at me like I'd just killed his mother. He shot me the finger and yelled some stream of expletives at me, but while he was doing this--he forgot to watch where he was going.

This idiot runs into a pretty good sized rock on his little skateboard and if any of you know anything about them...they aren't meant for rough terrain. If those little wheels hit anything even remotely solid, the skateboard comes to an immediate stop. It did. He didn't.

I stood there and laughed probably the hardest I laughed the whole time I lived in San Antonio as this asshole rolled down three flights of stairs (they weren't steep stairs, he wasn't hurt. I'm not a monster). Karma doesn't often work in my favor, but when she does, she makes it worth all the time I had to wait.

Just to give you an idea.

I never saw the guy again, but I'm sure that to this day, he still has to nurse his wounded pride when he thinks back to that day. I know I end up with a big goofy grin on my face every time it runs through my head.

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